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What Is Cancer?

Cancer is one of diseases which is most people must fear of. It is because the disease is very dangerous. Your life is at stake when you are infected by cancer. Even though in reality the disease is curable, because of the danger it poses to one's life, some said that it is not curable.

So, what is cancer? We believe this is the question you are now having in mind. You may have heard the term so many times. Your teacher from elementary school to university may have also mentioned it. But we also believe that it is very likely that you have not known enough about cancer. That is why here we are going to discuss about cancer as cleas and short as we can.

Well, as you must have known, cancer is a term used to refer to a disease. Yes, it is clear now that cancer is a disease. What kind of disease? That must be your next question. It is a disease which attacks our cells. Cancer takes place or is identified when a group of cells display uncontrolled growth which can intrudes and destroys adjacent tissues, and often metastasizes (the tumor cells spread to other locations in the body via the lympathic system or through the bloodstream.

The uncontrollable growth of cells which destroys the tissues can, of course, finally interfere normal organ functions. Not only this will lead to the pain or misery that the sufferer must suffer, in the long term the uncontrollable growth can kill the sufferer when it take over part of the body that carries out an essential function. For example, if a cancer is growing in part of digestive system, it can prevent the digestion and absorption of food. It can block the digestie system so that food cannot go through the intestines. If food cannot pass through, then nutrients from the food can't be absorbed.

That is what cancer really is.